Saturday, December 10, 2011


Well, as much as I love talking to my coordinator from TSE, Tina, (I'm really not sure if that is her title.. I just gave it to her, lol)  we did have a talk this week about my, soon to begin, journey. 

She emailed me on wednesday and wanted to call and talk about everything.  It seems when they did the egg retreived on my IM they only got 2 embies, which is ok, but they weren't the best quality.  She was suppose to have her period again last week, in which they would plan the next egg retreival, but it never came.  So, they are planning on forcing a period on monday if she still hasn't started. 

I think Tina really just wanted me to understand this is probably going to push us out another couple of months.  I cannot even explain how much I truely love this agency, and most of all, Tina.  They are the most caring and supportive group.  She explained to me that S and J really still want to work with me, but understand if I don't want to wait another few months. 

John and I talked about this in great length.  I know I don't know S and J very well, but I am was so in love with their profile and after talking to them on the conference call, I guess I just knew, they were the ones.  We both really want to stay with them and I am fine with waiting a little longer to make sure we get some good embies.  Tina was happy to hear that. 

I am so excited about this journey.  I'm just ready for it to begin already!  lol  Hopefully tuesday we will hear something about what the plan is next.  But, we're probably looking at a late February or early March transfer.  So I guess that means I will travel to New York in late January or early February?  IDK, I guess time will only tell.

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